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Members-Only Zone

*** For nearly immediate access to The Zone, scroll down to the last starred section.  But please allow 72 hours for processing your user name and password, just in case. ***

What is the Members-Only Zone?

The Zone contains current news and comments that we hope will empower LTCI agents, senior advisers, LTC providers and others to serve their prospects and clients more knowledgeably and professionally. This portion of the website is restricted to those who actively support the Center through their generous contributions. Although the Center would prefer to share all of our information and analysis with everyone for free, we believe it is important to reward our contributors for enabling us to continue working toward our common goal of quality long-term care for all Americans. We will realize our objectives only with the continued backing of supporters like you!

As a CLTCR member, here is a brief description of what you’ll get.

“LTC Bullets:  Authored by CLTCR president Stephen Moses, “LTC Bullets” is our informative newsletter covering the latest developments in long-term care financing.  Subject matter generally includes:  analysis of proposals offered for remedying the LTC financing crisis; addressing inaccuracies that occur in the media; the effects of Medicaid planning on the marketability of LTC insurance; awareness of the link between private financing and quality services; politics and legislation (including extensive information on the Deficit Reduction Act); and demographics and other data. You can expect to receive one or two LTC Bullets per week via email.  Over 800 informative “LTC Bullets” dating back to 1998 are archived by date and subject and are available for your reference on the CLTCR website. 

“LTC E-Alerts”:  Stephen Moses scans the e-media looking for news items that will help LTC professionals stay current on critical issues in the field of long-term care service delivery and financing.  We publish these brief mental vitamins and send them directly to your email.  They, like “LTC Bullets,” are archived on our website. 

Latest Features: Includes the latest installments of our:  

  • "LTC GRADUATE SEMINAR TRANSCRIPTION": Transcription of the two-hour program presented dozens of times to highly positive reviews during the Center for Long-Term Care Reform's 2008 National Long-Term Care Consciousness Tour.
  • “Deductibility Limits for Long-Term Care Insurance:  LTCi deductibility limits updated annually.  1997 - current.
  • Medicaid and Medicare Key Numbers Updated Annually
  • “Unfunded Entitlement Liabilities:  Various articles and reports including data on unfunded entitlement liabilities.
  • “LTC Almanac:  Find in a moment any data, statistic, article, report or answer about long-term care you need.  Updated with new data frequently.
  • “LTC Embed Reports”:  Brief on-site reports from the policy front in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere, wherever the LTC policy battle takes us.
  • “Long-Term Care Cost Surveys”:  MetLife Mature Market Institute and Genworth Financial surveys, with comments by Stephen Moses.
  • “Reasons Why Veterans Should Not Depend on VA Benefits for Long-Term Care”
  • “LTCi Tax Treatments”:  Includes information on states with tax incentives for long-term care insurance.
  • Virtual Visits”:  We cover LTCi conferences for those who could not attend.  Includes comments, interviews and photos.

The Members-Only Zone is constantly under construction. We are eager to hear your comments and ideas. If you have information you think fellow contributors need to know, please submit your ideas to the Center staff at info@centerltc.com for consideration. Once again, thank you for your continuing interest, feedback and support.

How can I and/or my whole company gain access to The Zone?

Our password-protected website zone is available to members who have made personal contributions of at least $150 to the Center for Long-Term Care Reform in the last 12 months. Individuals may contribute online by credit card by clicking here: Join and Contribute Online.

You can also simply mail your check to the Center for Long-Term Care Reform, 2212 Queen Anne Avenue North, #110, Seattle, WA 98109. Please be sure to make your check payable to "Center for Long-Term Care Reform."

(Hint: First check with damon@centerltc.com to see if your company, organization, or primary carrier is a corporate-level contributor to the Center.)

Companies and organizations may access The Zone collectively. Please see Membership Levels and Benefits for further information.

Only one user name and password will be issued to each qualifying organization which can then decide how to share this information internally. Our "Spearhead Committee" of major contributors and advisers already qualify for Members-Only Zone access. New organizations and companies which qualify for the Members-Only Zone will also become members of the "Spearhead Committee."

What do I do after I contribute? Access to the Members-Only Zone on the Center’s website requires a user name and password. Send an e-mail to info@centerltc.com with your name, organizational affiliation (if applicable), and your desired user name and password. Please limit your user name and password to no more that 10 characters each. We will reply with a confirmation as soon as possible.

Thank you so much to our current members for their generous support. We hope our ongoing efforts to provide valuable information and analysis entice more of you to support the cause: quality long-term care for all Americans!

*** See something that looks interesting in the Members-Only Zone? Don't want to wait for a user name and password after you contribute? But you're not yet a Zone-qualified contributor? NO PROBLEM. We trust you. Call or email Damon at 206-283-7036 or damon@centerltc.com, let him know your check is in the mail or that you've contributed online at http://www.centerltc.com/support/index.htm, and tell him your preferred user name and password (up to 10 characters.) Damon will register you and advise you by return email that you are Zone-ready. ***




2212 Queen Anne Avenue North, #110, Seattle, Washington 98109 ~ Phone (206) 283-7036 ~ Fax (206) 283-6536

Email info@centerltc.com ~ Ask how you can support the Center today! ~ Subscribe to "LTC Bullets"


Please address all web site feedback to webmaster@centerltc.com