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Listen to Steve Moses on “Protecting What Matters with Barry Fisher” on KPRL, Paso Robles, CA - January 14, 2025

Listen to Steve Moses on “Protecting What Matters with Barry Fisher” on KPRL, Paso Robles, CA - April 23, 2024

Dr. Marilyn D. Singleton Interviews Stephen Moses on Long-Term Care Solutions,” for Health Freedom Now - 01/01/2024

PODCAST: Removing Medicaid Loopholes to Improve Long-Term Health Care,” by AnneMarie Schieber, The Heartland Institute - 11/7/2023

PODCAST: “HealthyLife.net” with Dr. Marilyn Singleton. Dr. Singleton interviewed Stephen Moses for an hour on her podcast here. The content begins about one minute in and is interrupted with short ads occasionally. We discuss what long-term care is, who pays for it, and LTC’s service delivery and financing problems. We close with a preview of “Long-Term Care: The Solution,” a new paper forthcoming soon from the Paragon Health Institute. Enjoy! - August 18, 2023

PODCAST: How Medicaid Compromised Long-Term Care (Guest: Stephen Moses), with AnneMarie Schieber, Heartland Daily Podcast - 11/1/2022

PODCAST: New Guidance Could Make Long Term Care in the U.S. Worse (Guest: Stephen Moses) May 6, 2021. Stephen Moses joins Anne-Marie Schieber of the Heartland Institute to discuss recent MACPAC recommendation.

PODCAST of Steve Moses and Center member Maryglenn Boals interviewed August 22, 2014 by Bob Roth of Cypress Homecare Solutions for his radio show:  http://media.kfnn.com/content/healthfutures/health-futures_1_220814.mp3.

Stephen Moses was interviewed on Garland Robinette's Think Tank show on WWL radio in New Orleans on July 1, 2014 regarding exploding costs and declining quality of Medicare-financed hospice care.  Find podcast here:  http://audio.wwl.com/a/93796205/7-1-14-10-10am-garland-on-hospice-care.htm; Steve Starts at 17 min. and 6 sec. in.  (Steve Moses segment archived permanently here.)

Examining Abuses of Medicaid Eligibility Rules -- Includes testimony from Steve Moses (starting at 18 minutes and 45 seconds).  (See also:  LTC Bullet:  Moses Replies to Congressman's Questions.)

"Clash of the Titans: Moses vs Gordon on Medicaid and other Dark Matter" at the 12th Annual ILTCI Conference. Listen.

Steve Moses predicts how the Class Act story will unfold. Video here. (Note: This video contains Steve's remarks meant to be delivered at the Society of Actuaries "Living to 100 Symposium" in January, 2011. Steve was unable to attend the conference, but still delivered his remarks by video.)

MOSES ON THE FUTURE OF LTC FINANCING.  Lincoln Financial Group sponsored a webcast on April 19 in which a panel of experts urged consumers to understand LTC funding options well before need.  Listen to the program including Steve's five-minute presentation here.

Stephanie M. Davis interviews Steve Moses for "Patriot Games Radio" October 30, 2009 - Download MP3

WE TOUCH THOUSANDS OF CPAS WITH PROFESSIONAL VIDEO -- http://videoplayer.nlps.com/?cpar_2008-08-08_seg3
Link to related LTC Bullet (http://www.centerltc.com/bullets/latest/780.htm)

THINK UNCLE SAM WILL PROVIDE LONG TERM CARE?...THINK AGAIN! -- Claude Thau and Steve Moses interviewed on Clay Hall's "Health Insurance Advocate" radio show -- October 27, 2008 -- http://www.benefitsbydesigninc.com/podcast/p.php?file=2008-10-27_hia_081025.mp3

LTCI specialist Bryan Herdt interviews Steve Moses at the studios of KFNN in Phoenix, AZ - September 23, 2008 -- PART 1 / PART 2 (MP3 format)

LIMRA "THINKING OUTLOUD" PODCAST WITH STEVE MOSES  Public Relations Director Howard Drescher interviewed Steve Moses about the Center for Long-Term Care Reform's 2008 LTC Tour for LIMRA's very first podcast in a new series titled "Thinking Outloud with LIMRA." - October 1, 2008

Steve on Capital News 9, Capital Region, NY speaking about responsible LTC planning and the 2008 National LTC Consciousness Tour

Hear Steve Moses on radio show "Your Insurance Matters", hosted by Larry Bofman and co-hosted by Jay Zandell of Z Planning Group on Independent 1310 KXAM

DailyLocal.com, Jun 5, 2008 -- Long-term care discussed at professional expo:  CENTER FOR LONG-TERM CARE REFORM PRESIDENT VISITS COUNTY By GRETCHEN METZ

Steve Moses:  Speech about long-term care financing in the United States and North Carolina.

Listen to Steve's talk:  “What’s Really Happening to Long-Term Care?” from the 7th annual ILTCI conference in Dallas, Texas.  WMA Format  --  MP3 Format  --  (Click here for transcript of this speech.)

Hear Steve Moses on "Marketplace Money" radio program.

Hear an interview with Steve Moses on the Lynn Woolley show.

March 13, 2007 -- Hear Steve's testimony before the KS House of Representatives Health and Human Services Committee, Representative Brenda Landwehr, Chair: http://www.centerltc.com/members/podcasts/kstestimony.mp3 . For the "handout" referenced to in the testimony, go to http://www.centerltc.com/MosesHandOut.htm .

Listen to "The Great Debate": Steve Moses v. NAELA (National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys) President-Elect Bill Browning, held at the National LTCi Producers Summit, November 18-19, 2002 - St. Louis, Missouri. (This debate is nearly eighty minutes long; it takes about six minutes to download.) 

Listen to Steve's speech WHAT I BELIEVE ABOUT LONG-TERM CARE delivered at The Sixth Annual Intercompany LTCi Conference in Anaheim, California on February 28, 2006. (Click here for transcript of that speech.)

December 12, 2006 -- Hear Steve's presentation:  Market Better:  How to capitalize on the Deficit Reduction Act at the 2006 National LTCi Producers Summit, November 5, 2006.

October 5, 2006 -- SMinterviewsDwayneClark --  Interview by Steve Moses with Aegis Living's CEO Dwayne Clark at the National Investment Center's conference in Chicago (September 2006).

October 5, 2006 -- nyandltcfinancing --  "New York and Long-Term Care Financing" by Stephen A. Moses presented to the Empire Center for New York State Policy's conference on "Health Policy Issues and Options for New York:  What Can We Learn from Other States?" in Albany, New York on September 26, 2006. 

Hear Steve on National Public Radio's "All Things Considered."  Read the related LTC Bullet here.

See Steve Moses give the briefing "The Trouble with Medicaid" for Capitol Hill staffers  http://www.cato.org/event.php?eventid=2388

Steve Moses and Vincent Russo debated "Medicaid and the Long-Term Care Crisis -- Who Should Pay?" on September 7, 2005 at the Cato Institute in Washington, DC.  View coverage of the event online at: http://www.cato.org/event.php?eventid=2307

*** LTC: WHO SHOULD PAY? WHO DOES PAY? WHO WILL PAY? We have a standing "Google" search for any mention of the Center on the Web. Lately, my April 27, 2005 Congressional testimony keeps popping up for some reason. I reread what I said back then and something struck me: everything I described and warned about 3.5 years ago is much, much worse today. Check it out at http://archives.energycommerce.house.gov/reparchives/108/Hearings/04272005hearing1487/Moses.pdf. Then if you read today's "LTC Graduate Seminar" transcription, you'll see what I mean about the slippery slope the country's on for LTC financing. The only good news is that the worse things get, the closer we are to a solution that will supercharge the LTC insurance market. ***

Read Steve Moses's April 27, 2005 testimony to the House Energy and Commerce Health Sub-Committee's Hearing titled "Long-Term Care and Medicaid: Spiraling Costs and the Need for Reform."

Listen to Steve Moses's February 2, 2005 testimony to the Washington State House of Representatives Appropriations Committee

McKnight's Interview with Steve Moses

LTC Financing Debate: Center President Steve Moses and Research Triangle Institute Senior Fellow Josh Wiener, Ph.D. debate the question "Long-Term Care: Who Should Pay" on Sage/Crossroads webcast - August 30, 2004.

Hear Center President Steve Moses on National Public Radio



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