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Our Most Recent Reports


LTC Triathlon

America's long-term care service delivery and financing system is a tragic mess. The symptoms include widespread bankruptcies, collapsed stocks, scant capital, scarce staffing, high costs, low government reimbursement, little private insurance, declining quality, expanding litigation, skyrocketing liability premiums, persistent institutional bias, and a growing generation of overwhelmed family caregivers. Unfortunately, aging demographics signal that the worst is yet to come. What's wrong? Who's responsible? What should be done? Those are the questions this study set out to address. The answers provided in this report reflect responses from 119 interviewees representing the leading financiers, providers and insurers of long-term care in the United States.  $49.95*


Myth of Unaffordability
This report explains why only 7% of seniors and virtually none of the critical baby-boomer generation have purchased private long-term care insurance. It shows that 70% to 80% of Americans could afford this coverage if they felt the need to buy it. The report explains how easy access to government-financed long-term care services has impeded the market for private insurance, assisted living and home care. Finally, "The Myth of Unaffordability" report offers a workable, cost-free, public policy solution--called LTC Choice--that would improve access to quality long-term care for rich and poor alike.  $34.95*

LTC Choice
This study explains for the first time why the government's Medicaid and Medicare programs are hemorrhaging billions of dollars for long-term care while so few elderly people pay privately for home and community-based or nursing home care.  The "LTC Choice" report explains how to save government-financed long-term care programs for the genuinely needy by encouraging prosperous Americans to pay privately or insure for the risk of long-term care.  $24.95*

If you would like to order a report, please make your check payable to Center for Long-Term Care Financing and address it to

Center for Long-Term Care Financing
2212 Queen Anne Avenue North, #110
Seattle, WA 98109

and email with your order. Any questions? Call 206-283-7036

Order all three reports for a discounted $100 and receive a free handsome genuine CLTCF slipcase to hold them in. 

*Price includes shipping. 





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