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Center for Long-Term Care Financing


Find out more about:

Employment Opportunities:
Þ Research Coordinator

Our latest research papers:
Þ The Myth of Unaffordability
Þ LTC Choice

News and Information:
Þ LTC Bullets - our online newsletter
Þ History of Medicaid Estate Planning
Þ Summary of the Problem

Other Services:
Þ Research and Publications
Þ Speaker's Bureau
Þ Who We Are

Þ Take the LTC Pledge!
Þ "Pigs, Pythons & Politics"
Þ Heritage Lecture "The LTC Health Care Crisis: How Can We Solve It?"

Þ Should CLTCF Publish LTCN&C?
Þ Sample LTC News & Comment
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We have very limited dollars available for public assistance. We must take care of the truly poor and disadvantaged first. Prosperous people who rely on public assistance for long-term care should reimburse the taxpayers before giving away their wealth to heirs.

      Stephen Moses


Mission Statement
The Center for LTC Financing is dedicated to ensuring quality long-term care for all Americans by promoting public policy that targets scarce resources to the neediest, while encouraging people who are young, healthy and affluent enough, to take responsibility for themselves.

11418 NE 19th Street
Bellevue, WA 980004
Phone: 425-467-6840
Fax: 425-467-6829

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