LTC Bullet:  New LTC Clipping Service

Friday, January 20, 2012


LTC Comment:  Have Steve Moses search the web for must-read articles and email them to you daily so you can spend your valuable professional time in front of clients and doing business.

*** TODAY’S BULLET IN A NUTSHELL:  Subscribe to our new “LTC Clipping Service” and Steve Moses will send you an average of 1 to 3 critical LTC articles per day so you can do business instead of searching the web.  Cost?  Discounted thanks to a grant:  Only $100 per year for Center members; $120 per year for non-members; and free to Regional Representatives of the Center.  Contact Damon at 206-283-7036 or to subscribe.  Details follow. ***


LTC Comment:  Do you spend hours searching the internet for information about long-term care issues? 

Do you feel behind the curve because you’re not always up to speed on questions your clients ask?

Have you ever lost a sale or missed an opportunity because someone else knew something that you discovered too late?

What if you could receive LTC articles and reports that precisely meet your information needs daily and in real time?  That’s what we propose to give you. 

Don’t worry.  We’re not talking about a data deluge.  Rather, you’ll receive on average one to three key articles daily with a representative quote, a link to the full source, and occasionally a sentence or two of explanation.

Who’s going to find this material and send it to you? 

Steve Moses

McKnight’s Long-Term Care NEWS called him “one of the 100 most influential people in long-term care.”  Long-Term Living named Steve one of five "people making a difference in LTC."  Senior Market Advisor magazine put him on the cover and in its top-ten LTC insurance "Power List."  Nursing Homes magazine reported “there is probably no more articulate spokesperson for privately financed long-term care than Stephen Moses.”

Says Steve: 

“It’s my job to scan all sources of information about long-term care services and financing.  I have to know what’s going on and who’s saying what.  Why should you duplicate my efforts?  Let’s divide the labor.  I’ll do the research and send you the information.  You make the sales, close the deals, earn the money and enjoy the extra leisure time and reduced eye strain you’ll have when you delegate most of this tedious web searching to me.”

What will you find and send to me? 

Steve will search the web for everything relevant to the following topics:  Long-Term Care, Long-Term Care Insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplemental, Critical Illness, Critical Illness Insurance.  He’ll also find lots of valuable information from dozens of e-letters to which he subscribes and from the many professional journals he follows.  You’ll never lack for the latest analysis, commentary, statistics, data, government reports and academic studies.

What’s this going to cost me, you ask?

The cost is nominal, especially if you are a premium member of the Center.  Our new premium membership is $250 per year or $21 per month.  Premium members receive all the usual benefits of Center for Long-Term Care Reform membership plus the clipping service.  That’s only $100 per year more than our regular $150 annual membership fee, which by the way, hasn’t changed since it began in 2002.  Think of it as less than $2 per week to save you many hours of frustrating internet research.

If you’re not a member of the Center, why not?  You’re already missing out on tons of invaluable information, including The Zone and our weekly LTC Bullets and LTC E-Alerts.  But at least you can still get our new clipping service for only $10 per month or $120 per year.  That’s less than 33 cents per day!

Finally, for you serious LTC people, if you can meet the stringent requirements to become a “Regional Representative of the Center for Long-Term Care Reform,” you’ll get the clipping service for no extra charge included in your $500 per year investment in the Center.

How can we offer this service at such rock bottom rates?  It’s thanks to a grant from two outstanding corporate members and long-time supporters of the Center for Long-Term Care Reform.  Each clipping we send you will be headed by the following banner:

The Center for Long-Term Care Reform's discounted clipping service is made possible by a grant from:

American Independent Marketing

Maybe you’re wondering:  why subscribe to this clipping service when, as a member of the Center, I already receive Steve’s weekly digest of key LTC articles in the LTC E-Alerts?

Our LTC E-Alerts contain a lot of the same information as the clipping service, but you have to wait a week to get them and finding time to read a lot of information all at once is difficult.  With the clipping service, you’ll get the articles immediately and one-at-a-time, making the information more timely and easier to digest.

To subscribe to the Center for Long-Term Care Reform’s new clipping service, just call or email Damon at 206-283-7036 or  Tell him:

  • I’m a Center member.  Make me a premium member for $250 per year and send me Steve’s clippings.  Pay only a prorated fee now and $250 at your annual renewal.
  • I’m not a Center member, but I want the clippings.  Bill me $120 or $10 per month.  Monthly payments are by PayPal automatic withdrawal.
  • I’d like to become a Regional Representative of the Center for Long-Term Care Reform.  Please have Steve contact me about this.

Thanks for your interest.  We look forward to hearing from you.