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LTC Bullet: Center Establishes Speakers Bureau

Tuesday February 9, 1999


The Center for Long-Term Care Financing in Seattle, WA has established a Speakers Bureau.

We offer educational and/or motivational presentations on the senior boom and long-term care. Sample programs are listed and summarized below. Upon request, the Center will customize a program to meet the specific requirements of any organization, association or company.

All presentations are appropriate as keynote speeches or breakout sessions for conferences and meetings of long-term care insurance agents or brokers; nursing home owners or administrators; financial planners or certified public accountants; attorneys or senior advisors; legislators or public administrators; and gerontologists or senior advocates. We encourage program sponsors to acquire certification for continuing education (CE) credits on behalf of agents, attorneys, CPA's, LTC providers, and other professions. The Center will provide the documentation necessary to obtain CE accreditation as requested.

Stephen A. Moses, President of the Center for Long-Term Care Financing, and David M. Rosenfeld, VP and Chief Counsel, are the principal presenters. All Center programs are available free of charge (except expenses and within reasonable limits) to full financial supporters of the Center for Long-Term Care Financing. Otherwise, an honorarium of $2,500 plus expenses (Moses) applies to all bookings reserved by April 30, 1999 and $3,500 plus expenses (Moses) thereafter. See below for the credentials of the presenters; call or e-mail the Center for complete curriculum vitae.

Center for Long-Term Care Financing Speakers' Bureau Programs:

"Long-Term Care Insurance: Everything You Really Need to Know" -- An introduction to long-term care financing and insurance: who needs it, why they need it, how much they need, and what it costs.

"Doing Well by Doing Good: Education and Motivation for LTC Insurance Agents" -- It takes an altruistic, masochistic, genius to sell long-term care insurance, because the government is giving it away after the insurable event occurs. Our program identifies and eliminates this critical but usually hidden reason why many prospects do not buy.

"The Fallacy of Impoverishment: Medicaid Estate Planning vs. Long-Term Care Insurance" -- This is the story of how Medicaid estate planners artificially impoverish infirm elders to qualify them for Medicaid benefits and how this practice undermines the market for long-term care insurance. A blood boiler with examples aplenty.

"LTC Choice: A Simple, Cost-Free Solution to the Long-Term Care Financing Puzzle" -- How did America's long-term care system become plagued by deficiencies of access, quality, reimbursement, discrimination and institutional bias? What is the solution?

"The Magic Bullet: How to Achieve Universal Access to High Quality Long-Term Care" -- How can public programs adapt to solve the long-term care financing crisis? The Center for
Long-Term Care Financing found the answer in our "Magic Bullet" studies of ten major States.

"The Myth of Unaffordability: How Most Americans Can and Will Afford Private LTC Insurance" -- This presentation explodes the fiction that most people cannot afford long-
term care insurance and proves that 70 percent to 80 percent of all Americans should, could and would buy coverage with the right incentives. (Available after May 31, 1999.)

"The Health Care Hold-Up: Your Money and Your Life" -- America's high-tech health care system, which is the marvel and envy of the world, is slowly disintegrating into an expensive bureaucratic muddle of Medicaid, Medicare, managed care, and a growing army of uninsured. How did it happen? How can we fix it?

"Pigs, Pythons and Politics: How to Survive the Aging of the Baby Boom" -- A 77-million-baby-boom bulge is moving through American history like a pig through a python. That bulge is really a thermo-nuclear time bomb set to explode after 2010. This program explains why and how the opportunities are even bigger than the perils! (Available after June 30, 1999.)

"Medicaid Estate Planning: Moral Relativity and the Shell Game" -- Medicaid Planners claim they are duty-bound to help their clients artificially impoverish themselves and that doing so is completely ethical. Not so fast! What do the laws and attorney ethics rules really say. (Rosenfeld)

Rave Reviews

Here's what the audience had to say about a recent presentation of "LTC Choice: A Simple, Cost-Free Solution to the Long-Term Care Financing Puzzle."

"Fabulous session, one of the seminar's best"
"This is what I come to these meetings for"
"Fantastic presentation, extremely well thought out"
"Most dynamic speaker of the conference"
"Very knowledgeable and insightful"
"Very important information presented well"
"Very interesting perspective"
"Great information, happy to have this new resource"

These comments are from the 1998 National Association of Health Underwriters LTC Producers Conference in Chicago.


STEPHEN MOSES is President of the Center for Long-Term Care Financing in Seattle, Washington. The Center promotes universal access to top-quality long-term care by encouraging private financing and discouraging welfare dependency for most Americans. Mr. Moses is widely recognized as an expert and an innovator in the field of long-term care. McKnight's Long-Term Care NEWS named him "one of the 100 most influential people in long-term care." Nursing Homes magazine reported "there is probably no more articulate spokesperson for privately financed long-term care than Stephen Moses." Best's Review called him a "crusader for sanity in long-term care" who is one of the "People to Watch" in 1999. Moses lectures, consults, testifies, and publishes throughout the United States. His chapter on long-term care financing was recently published in Age Wave guru Ken Dychtwald's new anthology "Healthy Aging."

DAVID ROSENFELD is Vice President and Chief Counsel of the Center for Long-Term Care Financing. He is a magna cum laude graduate of Case Western Reserve University School of Law, a member of the Washington State bar, and a Master of Social Work. His article "Whose Decision Is It Anyway?: Identifying the Medicaid Planning Client" will appear in the upcoming volume of the University of Illinois Elder Law Journal. Mr. Rosenfeld writes frequently for publication and speaks often at insurance, law, and social work conferences. He is the author of most of the Center's "LTC Bullets."