Long-Term Care
Due Diligence for Professional Financial Advisers
Stephen A. Moses, President
Center for Long-Term Care
Financing (http://www.centerltc.org/)
The Constellation Group (http://www.theconstellationgroup.com/)
Never have so many professionals
given such bad advice to such damaging effect to so many people than today's
financial advisers on long-term care planning.
Only a rare few lawyers, accountants and financial planners understand
this critical subject in all its ramifications. Fewer still advise the public wisely and objectively,
disregarding personal financial advantage.
To date, most advisers have not been held to legal or professional
account for giving bad advice about long-term care. This safe harbor of public ignorance and judicial indifference
will not continue much longer, however.
More than ever before and even more so in the future, financial professionals
must understand the risks and costs of long-term care and the consequences of
poor counsel and inadequate planning.
Here's a primer.
Long-term care for chronic illness
or frailty is the single biggest financial risk most older Americans face. Studies indicate that 43 percent of people
over the age of 65 will spend some time in a nursing home and that nine percent
will spend five years or more. At an
average annual cost of $55,000 per year today and much more in the future, a
long-term nursing home stay can quickly devastate a family financially. Even the popular new option of
"assisted living" averages $25,000 per year. Most seniors' preferred alternative--to
receive care in their own homes--can easily exceed the cost of institutional
care when a patient requires more than a few hours of assistance per day. The supply of free care from spouses and
adult children is dwindling as more and more women--the traditional
caregivers--enter the workplace. Thus,
a growing number of older Americans will become increasingly dependent on
professional long-term care services as the cost of such services continues to
But this is nothing new so far. Almost everyone knows, at least
intellectually, that long-term care is a big, expensive risk. What most people do not realize is that
America's long-term care service delivery and financing system is a disastrous
mess. Seven major nursing facility
chains have declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Between 10 and 20 percent of all nursing home beds in the country are in
bankrupt facilities today. Hundreds of
home health agencies have gone under financially. Many new assisted living facilities are filling far more slowly
than anticipated. Long-term care stock
prices are down precipitously. New
capitalization by debt or equity is almost non-existent for publicly held
long-term care companies. Caregivers
are in desperately short supply, whether they are low-wage nurses' aides in
long-term care facilities or unpaid friends and family in private homes. Formal long-term care services are too
expensive for most Americans to afford, but Medicare and Medicaid pay too
little to assure quality home- or nursing home care. Litigation against nursing homes and assisted living facilities
for providing allegedly poor care is on the rise and is driving liability
insurance premiums through the roof.
Only seven percent of seniors and virtually none of the baby boomers own
private insurance, which could help them pay the catastrophic cost of long-term
care. America's gigantic and rapidly
aging baby-boom generation guarantees that the challenge of long-term care will
become greater and far more expensive with time. As of now, long-term care is well on its way to trumping Social
Security and Medicare as our country's most challenging social problem.
Given this reality, one would think
most Americans should be aggressively seeking professional advisers and
financial products to protect themselves from the huge and growing risks of
long-term care. But that is just not
happening. The country is in
denial. "Won't happen to me; never
go to one of those places; shoot myself first" is the common refrain. Yet--given the fact that half of all people
over the age of 85 already have Alzheimer's Disease--when the time comes, most
ailing seniors won't remember why they bought the gun! What is going on? How is it that the risk and cost of long-term care is so high
while the public's concern about this risk is so low? The answer is simple, but rarely understood. For the past 35 years, Americans have been
able to ignore the risk of long-term care, avoid the premiums for private
insurance, and wait to see if they ever need expensive professional long-term
care. When they do require care, they can
and do routinely transfer most of the cost to Medicaid, Medicare, and to the
financially strapped long-term care providers who rely on those
fiscally-starved government programs for most of their revenue. Precisely why and how this happens is a
subject for another article. For now,
all that matters is that most people who fail to plan for long-term care end up
in nursing homes on Medicaid (public welfare).
That is what has anesthetized the public to the financial risk of
long-term care. Today, however, our
welfare-financed, institution-based long-term care system is failing and the
public has not yet realized that this safety net of the past will no longer be
adequate in the future. They have not
awakened to the reality that preferred alternatives for long-term care like
quality home care and assisted living require the ability to pay
privately. To be able to pay privately
without potentially catastrophic expense requires the foresight to plan early,
save, invest or insure for long-term care costs. The only alternatives are to risk severe financial exposure or
rely on publicly financed nursing home care if chronic long-term illness
strikes. Today, we are in a
transitional phase between the collapse of America's traditional long-term care
system and the public's awakening to this danger. Unfortunately, the
professional financial advisers who should be alerting the public to these new
risks have largely reneged on that responsibility.
Under the current circumstances, we
should expect every responsible professional financial adviser--including
attorneys, CPAs, and financial planners--to urge anyone and everyone who will
listen to prepare to pay privately for long-term care in the future. Some give such advice, but alas, most don't. Many financial advisers are simply no more
aware of the risks of long-term care than the people they advise, and for the
same reasons. Someone must pay for
long-term care, they assume, because we don't see thousands of Alzheimer's
patients wandering unattended in America's streets. Who pays? Who knows? Medicaid, Medicare or Santa Claus? Who cares?
That is the attitude and it is understandable. The vast majority of all professional long-term care services are
indeed paid for by Medicaid or Medicare and the proportion of long-term care
costs borne "out-of-pocket" by private citizens has gone steadily
down over the years, even as government financing has steadily increased. We might be able to excuse as reasonable the
ignorance of advisers who fail to comprehend the need for long-term care
planning if it were not that the consequences are becoming so grave.
The behavior of many other financial
counselors is neither understandable nor forgivable. These are the "Medicaid estate planners" who advise
clients not to save, invest, insure or pay privately for long-term care, but
rather to impoverish themselves artificially for the purpose of qualifying for
Medicaid nursing home benefits. This
practice is doubly damaging. It injures
the client and the long-term care system.
Medicaid is a means-tested public assistance program. It is welfare intended as a safety net for
the genuinely needy. The program has a
dismal reputation for problems of access, quality, reimbursement, discrimination
and institutional bias. In short,
someone who retains personal wealth can purchase red-carpet access to
top-quality care in the private marketplace at the most appropriate level--home
care, assisted living or nursing home care.
Once that wealth has been shifted to heirs by a complicit attorney or
financial planner, however, the client becomes dependent on nursing home care
financed by a welfare program that pays so little (often less than the cost of
care) that it is bankrupting America's service delivery industry.
Is it possible that credentialed
financial professionals are giving advice of this kind to the public in America
today? Yes. In fact, this may be the most common advice provided by
attorneys, accountants, financial planners and many insurance agents (who
market annuities as a Medicaid planning device) throughout the United
States. For example, one survey found
that "...a majority of [financial planners] felt that an individual with a
catastrophic illness should consider transferring assets to family members in
order to qualify for Medicaid." An
attorney advised "...if the individual happens to have about $82 million
lying around, he or she could even buy a painting by Renoir to hang on the
walls of the house…[which he called] burying money in the treasure chest of the
house." (A home and all contiguous
property regardless of value is exempt for purposes of determining Medicaid
nursing home eligibility, as is a business including the capital and cash flow
of unlimited value.) A best selling
self-help book on Medicaid planning suggests:
"So is there any practical way to juggle assets to qualify for
Medicaid--before losing everything? The
answer is yes! By following the tips on
these pages, an older person or couple can save most or all of their savings,
despite our lawmakers' best efforts...Here are the best options: Hide money in exempt assets...Transfer
assets directly to children tax-free...Pay children for their help...Juggle
assets between spouses...Pass assets to children through a spouse...Transfer a
home while retaining a life estate...Change wills and title to property...Write
a durable power of attorney...Set up a Medicaid Trust...Get a
divorce.…" Web sites and public
seminars providing similar advice abound.
It seems the big bucks in long-term care are to be made by promoting a
free-ride on public assistance (with the help usually of expensive professional
advice) rather than by convincing people to take responsibility for their own
long-term care and shoulder the burden of years of personal saving or insurance
Whether professional advisers are
merely ignorant of long-term care risks or actively culpable by providing
irresponsible, self-serving advice to clients, the consequences for the public
are the same. People who fail to save,
invest or insure for long-term care end up dependent on Medicaid nursing home
care whether they spend down into impoverishment or dodge the spend down
liability with the help of a Medicaid planner.
The gerontological literature on the access and quality deficiencies of
Medicaid-financed nursing home care is extensive. People dependent on Medicaid often have a harder time finding a
nursing home bed and confront longer waiting lists than private payers. Quality of care in nursing homes heavily
dependent on Medicaid financing is often questionable. Medicaid rarely pays for home care or
assisted living, which most seniors prefer and when it does pay, it pays so
little that access and quality are suspect.
Because nursing homes need full-pay private patients to balance the low-pay
Medicaid majority, they often discriminate--legally or otherwise--by providing
better rooms, food or amenities to private payers than to Medicaid
residents. Finally, every state
Medicaid program in the country is required by federal law to seek recovery of
all benefits paid after the patient dies from any remaining estate, including a
home that was exempt while the patient was alive. Someday heirs and loved ones of ill-advised elders are going to
turn with a vengeance on professional advisers who failed to give good advice
or actively promulgated bad planning options.
That day is coming sooner rather than later.
We already see the tip of
the iceberg of potential malpractice risk regarding long-term care due
diligence. Twelve years ago, one expert
During the last thirty years,
the number of suits alleging attorney malpractice in an estate planning context
has skyrocketed.... The malpractice
revolution has begun. The defenses of
privity and the statute of limitations have been routed. Different types of errors in estate planning
are coming under judicial scrutiny.
Many other errors are ripe for such scrutiny.
More recently and
specifically, another writer warned:
Many of the appellate
decisions in the attorney malpractice field involve cases brought by the former
clients--and non-clients--of elder law attorneys.... The most frequently litigated legal issue in cases against elder
law attorneys concerns the question: to
whom did the attorney owe a duty? [i.e. the vulnerable senior or the heir with
a conflict of interest].... A related
question is whether an attorney has an obligation to inform his or her client
of subsequent events that have an impact on the estate plan (e.g., amendments
to Medicaid laws and regulations or changes in family circumstances that render
moot or ineffective provisions in testamentary instruments).
In 1999, an article in The
Elder Law Journal admonished:
Attorneys who represent elderly clients, or who wish
to expand into this rapidly growing area of the law, have a professional
responsibility to advise their clients of the available funding options and of
the consequences of not planning for the contingency of prolonged and expensive
LTC....Attorneys who advise clients about future financial security and
concerns fulfill their professional obligation when they provide informed
counsel in the area of LTC....If [attorneys] are not informed about the nuances
of LTC insurance, they may be held liable if a client sues them for
negligence. In our litigation-prone
society, there are few professions or occupations outside of medicine and
public accounting where the practitioner is so exposed to risk. Hence, it is in their own self-interest that
lawyers consider all options when planning for medical, financial, and quality
of life decisions for elderly clients.
Although the foregoing
quotations address the malpractice vulnerability of lawyers specifically, the
principles apply equally to any and all professional financial advisers. Certainly, accountants and CPAs have a similar
fiduciary responsibility to their clients with regard to long-term care risk
and expense. Even insurance agents with
no other professional designation would be well-advised to keep their Errors
and Omissions coverage paid up, especially if they recommend annuities for the
purpose of Medicaid planning.
In summary, many professional
financial advisers in the United States have given, are giving and will
probably continue to give very bad advice about long-term care planning. Many ignore altogether the emotional and
financial consequences of failing to plan for long-term care. At least, perhaps, these careless advisers
know not what they do. Others, however,
address the issue of asset protection in a manner that leaves infirm seniors
impoverished and vulnerable to inferior, publicly financed nursing home
care. These advisers use their
professional acumen to grant an early inheritance to their clients' heirs while
pulling down a big fee for themselves.
Both kinds of advisers--the ignorant and the irresponsible--bear a
professional responsibility to learn the facts and mend their ways. The consequences for both of their clients
are the same--welfare dependency, loss of independence, and health care
vulnerability. When the prestigious New York Times editorializes thus
the blatant and often unethical misuse of the
[Medicaid] program by well‑to‑do patients in nursing homes. These patients exploit legal loopholes to
transfer their wealth to their children, thus technically impoverishing themselves
and providing themselves with inexpensive nursing home care. What was supposed to be a program for the
poor has turned into a boondoggle for everyone else.... The system is a scandal. (April 14, 1996)
suits and stern judicial scrutiny cannot be far behind. Due professional diligence in the field of
long-term care requires that all professional advisers (1) understand the
consequences of failure to save, invest or insure for long-term care; (2) advise
their clients candidly of these dangers; and (3) recommend responsible
financial tools to prevent such negative outcomes. In many or even most instances, the best alternative for advisers
who are generalists may be to recognize that long-term care is a highly
specialized field and refer clients to trusted experts in that specialty.
The Center for Long-Term Care
Financing is committed to the challenge of educating financial professionals
about long-term care and the necessity and means to prepare for that risk. The Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
charitable organization. Our mission is
to ensure quality long-term care for all Americans. We pursue this objective by encouraging public policy that
targets scarce public resources to the genuinely needy and provides incentives
to everyone else to save, invest or insure for the risk of long-term care. All of the arguments and facts in this
article are thoroughly documented and
substantiated in reports and articles published by the Center for
Long-Term Care Financing. Readers may
consult our numerous studies, speeches, and other publications at http://www.centerltc.org/. We also encourage everyone to subscribe to
"LTC Bullets," our free online newsletter, by filling out the form on
our web site or dropping a note with your contact information, including email
address, to info@centerltc.org.
Stephen A. Moses is
President of the Center for Long-Term Care Financing in Seattle,
Washington. He was formerly a Medicaid
state representative for the Health Care Financing Administration and a Senior
Analyst for the Office of Inspector General of the United States Department of
Health and Human Resources. He is
widely recognized as an expert and innovator in the field of long-term
care. For further information, please
consult www.centerltc.org/.
preceding article was commissioned by The Constellation Group, LLC, a Business
and Tax Strategy Think-Tank in Miami Beach, Florida, founded by Mr. Fraser
Allport. Constellation specializes in Income Tax Reduction and Asset
Protection. For more information, contact The Constellation Group at
Fraser@theconstellationgroup.com or consult the company's website: http://www.theconstellationgroup.com/