LTC Bullet:  ILTCI Conference Preview

Friday, March 7, 2014

Alpine, Texas—

LTC Comment:  Whether you can attend or not, you should know what’s being discussed at this important LTC insurance industry conference.  We offer a preview after the ***news.***

*** NEW YORK TIMES reports today:  “Pitfalls Seen in a Turn to Privately Run Long-Term Care.”  We alerted the Center’s “Clippings Service” subscribers first thing this morning to this important article:

Quote:  “Even as public attention is focused on the Affordable Care Act, another health care overhaul is underway in many states: an ambitious effort to restrain the ballooning Medicaid cost of long-term care as people live longer and survive more disabling conditions.”

LTC Comment:  This is a long article, but I strongly recommend that you take the time to read it.  Managed long-term care, even for the most severely disabled Medicaid recipients, is sweeping the country.  State Medicaid programs are trying to save money by turning over their most severely impaired LTC recipients to giant managed care companies whose job it is to move them from mostly nursing home to mostly home care.  This article explains why the strategy is not working as well as hoped.  It claims that savings from managed deinstitutionalization are not materializing and care quality is suffering. ***

*** CLIPPING SERVICE.  Would you like to receive three emails a day alerting you to the most important new articles, reports, and data sources related to long-term care services and financing?  The Center for LTC Reform’s clipping service is available at no extra cost to Premier Members ($250), Premier Elite Members ($500), and Corporate Members ($1,000+).  Even non-members of the Center can receive our clippings for only $120 per year.  Steve Moses (and Damon if Steve’s away) scans the LTC literature, culls the most important items, and sends them to you every day with a representative quote, a link to the source, and often a brief comment or analysis.  It’s like getting your weekly LTC E-Alert in smaller doses and in real time.  Don’t be left wondering what your prospect is talking about when he or she has read something important that you haven’t seen yet.  To subscribe, contact Damon at 206-283-7036 or ***

*** SPEAKING OF LTCI CONFERENCES, don’t forget AALTCI’s 2014 LTC Sales Solutions Summit at the Westin Kansas City at Crown Center May 18-20, 2014.  For the agenda:  For all the details:  To register (only $99!):  And if you can’t attend, you can even view some of the conference programs online for free: Watch a short video about the free online access: ***


LTC Comment:  The 14th Annual Inter-Company Long-Term Care Insurance Conference convenes in Orlando, Florida at the Rosen Centre Hotel from March 16-19, 2014.

This is a premier industry meeting for a business facing many challenges and changes. Its theme this year is “Sharing News, Exchanging Views, and Forging Solutions,”

Most of the following “preview” comes from the conference’s website here:  We’ll only hit a few of the highlights. So take the opportunity to dig deeper there.

Damon and I will be onsite, so if you can attend, be sure to say hello.  We’ll report from the conference.  If you aren’t able to be there, we will try to give you a virtual visit with our “LTC Embed” dispatches.

Hopefully this preview will inspire some of you to join us at the conference after all or to send a representative from your company or organization.

Find a full conference brochure with brief descriptions of each session and information on all the conference sponsors here: 

For a top line version of the agenda, go to:

Harley Gordon will offer his CLTC Master Class on Saturday (3/15) and Sunday (3/16): plus a special program, Advanced Sales & Marketing Program for CLTC Designated Professionals on Wednesday, March 19:

Keynote speaker will be Chris Gardner, well known for The Pursuit of Happyness

A Future of the Industry - General Session on Tuesday, March 18 will feature Marc Cohen (LifePlans), Maria Ferrante-Schepis (Maddock Douglas), and Thomas McInerney (Genworth) discussing:  “Carrier exits, in-force premium increases, missed assumptions, the persistent low  interest rate environment, few new carriers, shrinking distribution” and what to do about all the industry’s problems.

You can view the “PowerPoint” presentations for many of the breakout sessions here:

Following are descriptions of several sessions that caught my eye.  All the sessions are described here:

1. Current Alternatives – Short Term Care/Combination Products
The major alternative products that exist in the market today include Short Term Care and combination products. Both products have their own niche markets. The speakers will give a brief introduction about each product, pros and cons from a consumer and insurance company's perspective, discuss the regulatory requirement, the existing market, the opportunity and obstacles in the future.

Alternative Products – Panel Discussion
Session Producer: Linda Chow, Milliman, Inc.
Panel: Dawn Helwig, Milliman, Inc.
Anthony Laudato, Hannover Re

5. Litipedia: How Recent Trends in LTC Litigation are Changing the Face of Risk
Show me an insurer and I’ll show you a litigant. Sooner or later, we all get sued. And litigation is on the rise. Not just the simple one-off claim disputes, mind you, but the larger and more sophisticated brand of actions that resonate across our industry. This interactive session gives a primer on key current legal actions and the take-aways that will help you reduce risk to the company.

Legal, Compliance, & Regulatory – Case Studies
Session Producer: Mike Rafalko, Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP
Panel: Mike Rafalko, Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP
Lisa Simmons, Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP

6. Feder and Warshawsky: Long-Term Care Financing Perspectives and Solutions
An in-depth conversation with two of the nation's most knowledgeable and thoughtful long-term care experts. Judy Feder and Mark Warshawsky come at the long-term care problem with years of experience and two different points of view. In this session, the panelists will discuss their different perspectives on private and social insurance, but importantly, the session will also explore where there are areas with the potential for agreement.

Marketing – Panel Discussion
Session Producer: John O’Leary, O'Leary Marketing Associates
Panel: Judy Feder, Georgetown University Public Policy Institute
John O’Leary, O'Leary Marketing Associates
Mark Warshawsky, American Enterprise Institute

13. There’s Room in the Tent: Clarifying Traditional LTCi/Hybrid Product Roles
According to LIMRA, individual LTC sales declined 27% through 3Q13. Fewer people are buying and they’re spending less when they do. But it’s not all bad news. Buyers continue to get younger –57 is the current average age – and in 2012, 57% were Boomers between 55 and 64 years old. This session will look at today’s buyer in the context of shifting priorities and changing market conditions. The session is designed to help carriers rethink your product choice, position for maximum effect, and find the best fit for your consumers.

Marketing – Panel Discussion
Session Producer: Suzanne Schmidt, Lincoln Financial Group
Panel: Suzanne Schmidt, Lincoln Financial Group
Steve Schoonveld, Lincoln Financial Group

15. Middle Market Success Stories
To the extent that people don’t buy LTCI, how are they solving this problem when they need assistance? This session will examine the concerns and motivations of middle-income families, and potential solutions for this market.

Alternative Products – Panel Discussion
Session Producer: Dr. Barbara Stucki, NestCare FPC
Panel: Rona Bartelstone, Our Aging
Linda Chow, Milliman, Inc.
Dr. John Migliaccio, Strategy and Research Consulting

20. Incremental Visualization - LTC Product Innovation in Minnesota
How is the State of Minnesota approaching the Long-term care dilemma facing its citizens? Minnesota has long been a leader in healthcare and aging innovation. They have identified the future impact long-term care will have on their state and they are doing something about it. Hear Minnesota Lt. Governor Yvonne Prettner Salon, Loren Colman, Assistant Commissioner of Continuing Care and LaRahe Knatterud, Director of Aging Transformation, discuss Minnesota's approach to LTC.

Marketing – Panel Discussion
Session Producer: John O’Leary, O'Leary Marketing Associates
Panel: Loren Coleman, State of Minnesota
LaRhae Knatterud, Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS)
John O’Leary, O'Leary Marketing Associates
Yvonne Prettner Solon, Lt. Governor State of Minnesota

21. The Growing LTC Spectrum
This session will cover the LTC Product Spectrum. The speakers will discuss the scope of products, the future role of traditional products, new product definitions, costs, and benefits, training agents on how to make appropriate recommendations, and how new product designs can re-ignite worksite LTC sales.

Sales – Panel Discussion
Session Producer: Carroll Golden, Transamerica Long Term Care
Panel: Doug Burkle, Genworth Financial
William Comfort, Comfort Assurance Group, LLC
Bradley Ridnour, Transamerica Long Term Care
Session Survey

22. Short-term Planning for LTC
If you did not plan ahead, what are the options? Who is innovative? Who is providing advice? Creative ways to make the money last, America’s best kept funding secret, and protecting assets for self and family.

Alternative Products – Panel Discussion
Session Producer: Romeo Raabe, Consultant
Panel: Bridgette Duber, Elderlife Financial Services, LLC
Romeo Raabe, Consultant
John Zwolanek, Main Street Law Office

26. Watch Out! Protect Your Company from LTC Insurance Fraud
LTC Insurance remains a prime target for insurance fraud, especially with the shift to home-based and new care delivery models. Come hear from the experts about what your company needs to be doing today to avoid being a victim of fraud. This session will include: • Insights from the Claims Bureau USA with firsthand accounts of current fraud techniques • Legal experts will offer the latest information on fraud litigation • Company Special Investigations Unit (SIU) leaders share their advice and answer your questions.

Legal, Compliance, & Regulatory – Panel Discussion
Session Producer: Rod Perkins, Genworth Financial
Panel: Chuck Angiollio, Claims Bureau USA
Mike Gugig, Saul Ewing LLP
Harry Markland, Genworth Financial

28. Aging and Community Redefined with an Eye Toward the Future
The SCAN Foundation will present their new strategic framework that includes viable options for long-term care needs in 2014 and beyond. Hear about family, vulnerable adults, support models, decision making and various options to help families finance LTC expenses.

Policy & Providers – Teaching Session
Session Producer: Beth Ludden, Genworth Financial
Panel: Dr. Gretchen Alkema, The SCAN Foundation
Beth Ludden, Genworth Financial

29. International Market
What is working in other places? Demographics, care delivery system, family and consumer attitudes in 3 countries. Government programs used to fund LTC. Market for private LTC insurance and products provided.

Alternative Products – Panel Discussion
Session Producer: Vince Bodnar, Towers Watson
Panel: Dr. Yair Babad, University of Illinois at Chicago
Etienne Dupourqué, Consultant
Mark Dearsley, Partnership

34. Home Equity Release Products
With only a few years of coverage, policyholders may need to use other resources, particularly home equity, to serve as a wrap-around to comprehensive LTCI. This session will examine new ways of funding this gap for aging in place.

Alternative Products – Panel Discussion
Session Producer: Dr. Barbara Stucki, NestCare FPC
Panel: Steve Cinelli, PRIMARQ
John Nelson, Wall Street Without Walls

36. Squaring the Circle: The American Long Term Care Insurance Program
Paul Forte will present an overview of his proposal for a national public-private partnership to finance LTSS. His new framework would facilitate mass enrollment, create administrative efficiencies, and offer greater accountability and stability to consumers. In this session his proposal will be reviewed and discussed by nationally recognized policy experts Stuart Butler and Larry Atkins in light of the key policy issues facing LTSS financing today. The session will be moderated by Gretchen Alkema.

Marketing – Panel Discussion
Session Producer: Joan Melanson, Long Term Care Partners, LLC
Panel: Dr. Gretchen Alkema, The SCAN Foundation
Larry Atkins, Long-Term Quality Alliance
Dr. Stuart Butler, The Heritage Foundation
Paul Forte, Long Term Care Partners, LLC

37. Managed Medicaid - Understanding the Basics from an Industry Leader
Florida Managed Care programs have been leading the country in innovation and cost-effective solutions. This session will provide training in the basics of Managed Medicaid programs that focus on the chronically ill in both home and facility based settings. Learn the terminology that is buzzing around in this space, the priority of case management metrics and the role of state/federal government.

Policy & Providers – Teaching Session
Session Producer: Sharon Reed, Penn Treaty Network America
Panel: Sharon Reed, Penn Treaty Network America
Paula Tietjen, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Florida

41. Price Sensitivity in LTC Insurance
Consumers typically cite "it costs too much" as a primary reason for not buying LTCI. But if the premium were reduced, would they really buy? Or would the trade-off in coverage required to satisfy a lower premium turn off interest? At what premium price point does product interest increase? This session explores consumer price sensitivity in LTCI based on a recent study across age segments and at varying price points. Coverage trade-offs with enhanced "middle market" appeal are explored.

Marketing –Panel Discussion
Session Producer: Eileen Tell, Univita Health
Panel: Clark Heitkamp, United Health Actuarial Services, Inc.
Dr. Jeremy Pincus, Forbes Consulting Group
Eileen Tell, Univita Health