LTC Bullet:  The National LTC Consciousness Tour -- Resolution 

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 


*** ALERT:  Find out about the Center's new online "LTC Graduate Seminar."  View and hear the recorded Webinar about this extraordinary educational opportunity at  (It may take a couple minutes to download . . . but it's worth the wait!) *** 

LTC Comment:  While I'm taking a couple weeks off from the rigors of daily publishing, we're taking this opportunity to tell you all about the Center for Long-Term Care Reform's 2008 "National Long-Term Care Consciousness Tour." 

Today, and in three more special LTC Bullets between now and September 13, we'll explain the "Tour" in detail and invite you to participate locally either as "LTC Gadflies" or as "Regional Representatives" of the Center for Long-Term Care Reform.  Damon's still hard at work full time and he'll send these e-pistles to you.  Feel free to reply if you have questions or comments.  He'll keep me in the loop. 

Today's Bullet is in the form of a "resolution" explaining why we think cooperative, grass-roots action like the National LTC Consciousness Tour is necessary.  In the next three Bullets, we'll fill you in about when I will be where and how we can work together toward improving LTC policy and planning.  And while we're at it . . . let's protect a lot more families from LTC risk and cost! 



WHEREAS, the government continues to pay for most long-term care; and 

WHEREAS, public programs pay too little to ensure LTC access and quality; and 

WHEREAS, most Americans remain in denial about the risks and cost of long-term care; and 

WHEREAS, the long-term care insurance market continues to languish; and 

WHEREAS, reverse mortgages are rarely used to fund LTC or LTCi premiums; and 

WHEREAS, the media usually cover the long-term care issue poorly if at all; and 

WHEREAS, state and federal policy makers push Medicaid expansion more aggressively than private LTC financing alternatives; and 

WHEREAS, lawyers get rich impoverishing clients to put them on Medicaid while LTCi producers struggle to make a living; and 

WHEREAS, LTC providers subsist on low government reimbursements but desperately need more market-rate private payers; and 

WHEREAS, the Deficit Reduction Act remains widely unimplemented, unenforced, unpublicized and unsold, and 

WHEREAS, implementation of successful state Long-Term Care Partnership Programs is a high, yet unrealized priority, 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Center for Long-Term Care Reform will take our message of personal responsibility and rational long-term care policy, supplemented by our expertise and technical assistance, to America's grass roots in 2008. 


LTC Comment:  Watch for Thursday's LTC Bullet in which we will explain the itinerary, schedule and content of the Center for Long-Term Care Reform's 2008 National LTC Consciousness Tour. 

Next Tuesday, a week from today, we'll explain how you personally can get involved, make a difference, and we sincerely hope:  do well by doing good! 

Finally, our fourth Bullet on the National LTC Consciousness Tour, a week from Thursday, will pull it all together into a neat package in which we hope everyone will want to take part.