LTC Bullet:  The Mote in LTC's Eye


Monday  January 8, 2001



LTC Bullets readers often ask us for sample speeches from which they can draw ideas to use in their own public addresses.  We've obliged occasionally by posting transcripts of lectures delivered by Center for LTC Financing President Steve Moses on our web site at  We've received so much positive feedback on these postings that we have decided to add more of Steve's talks to the site.

The speech we are posting today is entitled "The Mote in LTC's Eye." You can find the transcript at  This talk argues that public criticism of the long-term care service delivery and insurance professions is often overblown, heavily biased, and grossly unfair. Conversely, the media and senior advocates who lambaste long-term care providers and insurers rarely apply the same strict standards of review and criticism toward public programs.  Nevertheless, Medicaid and Medicare are arguably more responsible for long-term care's serious access and quality problems than is the private sector.

Do you struggle to provide compassionate care to frail elders for minimal compensation while cringing at the media drumbeat that you are greedy and uncaring?  Are you doing your best to sell long-term care insurance to people in denial while critics label you slick and duplicitous?  Do you advocate private financing of long-term care with reason, logic and evidence in the face of emotional appeals and ad hominem attacks by public financing advocates?  If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you'll find value in this speech.

If you do find value in this Bullet, please forward it to everyone you know who might benefit and encourage them all to subscribe (for free) to LTC Bullets and to visit the Center's web site. We need you to help spread the word.

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The Center for Long-Term Care Financing is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring quality long-term care for all Americans.  Ask how you can support the Center today!  Visit our website at or contact Amy Marohn at for details.

This e-mail is the latest installment of "LTC Bullets" - the Center's periodic online news service covering the latest information and trends in long-term care financing.  We welcome responses to the material presented.

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Thank you for your time and interest.

Center for Long-Term Care Financing
11418 NE 19th Street
Bellevue, WA 98004
Ph: 425-467-6840
Fax: 425-467-6829